Digital Learning
EBSCO- Access thousands of magazines and periodicals
Chilton's Repair Manuals
Genealogy databases
WorldBook Encyclopedias
Research Articles
Test Prep for Education and Career
And much, much more!
Libraries Linking Idaho gives Idaho residents free access to online tools for their educational, business, and recreational needs.
Over 4,200 courses
Online Certificates & Degree Programs
Master a specific career skill
Coursera works with universities and other organizations to make some of their courses available online. All courses are accessible for free and some have the option to pay a fee to join the "Signature Track." Students on the Signature Track receive verified certificates, perfect for employment purposes.
uidaho.edu/digital-economy - training from University of Idaho in being a remote worker, online freelancer, or e-commerce entrepreneur
IdahoDigitalSkills.org - Receive 1-on-1 help over the phone or visit our website to explore free, self guided tutorials. Learn Computer and Smartphone basics, Google Maps, Internet safety and privace, online job applications, social media basics, and so much more!

Community Resources
Job Finder: Idaho Department of Labor
Department of Labor Hours
Job Training Idaho Department of Labor
Idaho Launch for High School Seniors- grants for 80% of tuition and fees paid
Job Finder Linkedin
Bonners Ferry Herald Archives (1905-1922)
Bonners Ferry Herald Archives (-2013) on Microfilm available at the Boundary County Museum
Bonners Ferry Herald Archives (2006-)
Kootenai Valley Herald Archives
https://www.assistedliving.org/idaho discusses all services available for seniors living in Idaho, outlines helpful city and state programs, and allows users to find the best assisted living facilities in their community.
Senior Living Options and Resources. https://www.ecdol.org/a-comprehensive-guide-to-elderly-community-resources/
Eye Care- https://www.nvisioncenters.com/education/seniors-vision-guide/
Affordable Health Insurance- https://www.affordablehealthinsurance.com/
Vision https://www.nvisioncenters.com/education/seniors-vision-guide/
Cancer/Asbestos- https://www.asbestos.com/cancer/senior-cancer-guide/
Elemy-ABA Therapy Teaching about Money K12 Idaho
Substance Abuse Prevention Education
Idaho Connections Academy Time 4 Learning
Idaho Digital Learning How to Learn: Intelligent.com
Brain Pop ABC Mouse Early Learning Academy ABCya
Khan Academy Kids ESpark Learning Clifford Games National Geographic Scratch Coding Hour of Code